Thank You

Your donations are making a huge difference in the fight against blood cancers. This year, with your help we’ve raised $1,159,052.40!



for research and community support paving the way for revolutionary new treatments, and cures.

Our videos

Our Stories

Adam Coletta

Blood work had revealed that Adam’s white blood cell count was far above normal. He was soon reeling from a diagnosis of blood cancer.

Freda Kassis

It was then determined I had a type of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma called Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma. I took the time to educate myself on my health, made drastic lifestyle changes and committed myself to self-healing through healthy eating, meditation, and reiki.

Tom Wong

In March 2015, seven months after my diagnosis, they found a donor! After more chemo, platelet infusions, blood transfusions, and testing, I was deemed ready for the transplant.

For The Fight Against Leukemia & Lymphoma

Save a life. Become a donor.

The donor test involves a simple cheek swab and if a match is found, the marrow ‘transplant’ typically involves a simple transfusion similar to donating blood. You can register through online registration at, it ensures a steady stream of new potential donors.

Donate to LLSC.

The gift you make today will make a difference to people with leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Your secure, online tax-deductible, donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) helps fund lifesaving research and provides information and support to patients throughout their cancer journey.